Certified compostable fruit labels

We have been manufacturing high-quality, food-safe fruit labels for automated, high-speed applications since 1982. Our first compostable label was launched in 2014, and in 2019, we launched our first OK compost-certified label. Today, we have a range of industrial and home compostable fruit label solutions that meet global legislative and packaging standard requirements.


Performance you can trust

Label performance is our priority. From the moment of application to the eventual display on retailers' shelves, and all the way through the supply chain to the point of sale, we're committed to excellence. All our compostable label solutions are certified, so you can trust their performance even at the end of their lifecycle.

Leadership & quality

We have been pioneering fruit labels for automated, high-speed applications to the highest quality standards since 1982. Our teams manage your label design and label production using state-of-the-art printing facilities in-house to ensure full control of the process and quality.

Find out which label is best for you.


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does ‘a certified label construction’ mean?

    To construct a fruit label 3 components are used - adhesive, face stock and inks. If the label components used to manufacture a label are individually certified for home composting it does not mean the resulting construction is an industrial or home compostable label construction. A manufactured label must have its finished construction - face stock, adhesive and inks together - tested and passed to be able to apply for, and achieve, ‘OK compost HOME’ certification.

  • What is the difference between compostable and biodegradable?

    Compostable products by definition are biodegradable. However, compostable products must also break down, or become part of usable, soil-enhancing compost in a safe and timely manner in an appropriate composting facility or home compost pile. 

    Biodegradable products must return to nature, disintegrating or disappearing completely. A biodegradable product may be broken down by microorganisms, but this does not necessarily imply that the product can be converted into a soil-nurturing compost. This disintegration is not bound by time and does not need to enhance quality. Metallic or toxic residue from materials is often released in the return-to-nature process and is still considered part of biodegradation.

  • Are Sinclair compostable labels food-safe?

    All our labels meet all EU and FDA food safety requirements for direct contact onto fresh produce.

    We pride ourselves on our extremely high standards for food safety and quality. As regulations change, we are seeing an increase in demand for supplier questionnaires and corresponding food safety requests. We are committed to supporting our customer's food safety programs and to do so we provide our customers a Quality Assurance and Food Safety (QAFS) and Declarations of Compliance.

  • What is the difference between 'OK compost INDUSTRIAL' and 'OK compost HOME'?

    Products that are solely OK compost INDUSTRIAL certified are those that compost only in industrial composting facilities (at temperatures between 55 to 60°C), so products that are solely OK compost INDUSTRIAL certified should not go into the garden compost.

    Conversely, 'OK compost HOME' refers to products that also compost at lower temperatures, so they can go into the compost heap in a garden at home.

  • Who is TÜV AUSTRIA?

    TÜV AUSTRIA is an independent and recognised certification body for ‘OK compost HOME’. TÜV AUSTRIA created the ‘OK compost HOME’ certification standard to allow companies and organisations to guarantee complete biodegradability against specific requirements, even if in your garden compost heap.

  • What test do compostable product have to pass to be certified 'OK compost' by TÜV AUSTRIA?

    To meet the TÜV AUSTRIA ‘OK compost HOME' and 'OK compost INDUSTRIAL' certification requirements a product must pass four tests. The tests vary in duration for 'HOME' and 'INDUSTRIAL' certifications but both complete the following performance tests:

    • Heavy Metals and Fluorine 

    • Disintegration 

    • Biodegradation

    • ​Plant toxicity, cress and barley 

Labeling Systems

From on-line labeling and tray labeling to pattern labeling, we offer labeling systems customized to meet all your needs.